28 februari, 2025

Invigningstal: We are still inside the room

Öppningen av Linköpings fristadskonstnär Zahraa Aqeels utställning We are still inside the room

Ladies and gentlemen. Dear Zahraa.

The right to freedom of expression is crucial to living in a free, fair, and open society where people can access justice and exercise their human rights. However, the number of people living in democracies has rapidly decreased over the last years, and freedom of expression remains the worst affected component of democracy. Writers, artists, journalists and researchers have crucial roles in preserving and developing the democracy in society.

ICORN, International Cities of Refuge Network, is a non-governmental organisation established in 2006, with the mission to enable cities around the world to provide temporal safety for persecuted writers and artists, to advance freedom of expression, defend democratic values, and promote international solidarity.

As part of a worldwide network dedicated to the protection of human rights and those who defend them, the ICORN programme offers relocation and residencies for two years to writers, journalists and artists at risk, who cannot safely continue their work in their home countries or regions.

Since 2006, more than 80 cities across Europe, the United States and Latin America have joined the network. Linköping has been an ICORN city since 2015.

In September last year, Zahraa came to Linköping as other fourth guest artist …. and…. it is a pleasure for me to stand here today, only a few months later, taking part in your art exibition, Zahraa. You are to be congratulated for this achievement!

At last, I wish You all the best for the future and I am really looking forward to follow your artistic work further.